The Magic Flute – Aust, Ger, Switz

The Magic Flute – Aust, Ger, Switz

With over 50 performances in Australia, Germany and Switzerland, Mozart’s opera ‘The Magic Flute’ was toured by Co-Opera in 2009, featuring soprano Daniela Leska (then known as Bella Jedrzejczak) in the role of Papagena and a Sprite.


2009 Magic Flute performance map

Melbourne Performance _ Melba Hall 2009

Performance in Melba Hall on Sunday 5 April, 2009. Daniela Leska (top RHS holding handrail) as Papagena.

Tour Info, 2009

Musical Director: Brian Chatterton


Andrea Carcassi

Bella Jedrzejczak (Daniela Leska)

Eleanor Blythman

Ernst Ens

Guy Booth

Jeremy Tatchell

Kerrie Bolton

Lisa Cannizzaro

Lynette Harris

Norbert Hohl

Sarah Lambert

Sonia Anfiloff

Vanessa Shirley

Vince Fusco